I really don't think anyone will read this but if you are, hello!

Greetings probably non-existent reader!
 If you are not non-existent, I hope I have not caused you to have an existential crisis.  Really, chances are you do exist but for unlikely and improbable reasons, you have stumbled onto my blog.  I'm not going to promote this blog in any way so I know readers will be few and far between.  Who knows, maybe you were looking for something else.  If you were, please let me know what you were looking for as I am curious.
The reason for this blog is simple and super annoying.  I have just been diagnosed with cancer.  I'm pretty sure my chances are good but I am SUPER pissed.  I'm a pretty lazy person when it comes to stuff that I'm meant to do.  You know, the whole 'work that will actually make me money' and 'adult responsibilities'.  However, when it comes to other stuff like crocheting, cuddling my pets, sailing and working out how Agent Peggy Carter is really Amazon Pirate Peggy Blackett, I will work diligently and passionately.
I was meant to sail from New Zealand to Fiji in a week and, if I could go back in time, I would totally not go to my doctor until after the sail.  Kids, don't do that!  Be responsible and see your doctor as soon as you feel sick or notice something strange!  When selfishly thinking about me though, I really wanted to sail to Fiji.  I was going to be a watch leader.  That means I would have had to worry about the deck crew and make sure they were happy, healthy and in the right place at the right time.  So basically, being a teacher but at recess, not during class time.  (I am a teacher so I will make fun of the teaching profession as much as I want! Ha ha ha!)
On the Fiji trip, I would sail from one country to another for the first time.  I would have no land for miles and miles, just ocean.  I would see nothing but water to every horizon.  I might have seen whales, dolphins, seals and other marine creatures but even if I didn't I would have sailed.  I would have had the midnight to four watch.  Often, nothing really happens on that watch but there might have been stars and chats with fellow crew members.  Possibly a clear sky, possibly clouds or a moon.  Now I have, injections, blood tests, echo-cardiograms and, in two weeks, chemo.
Argh! Now I'm annoyed again and need to go cuddle kittens!
Hugs to you!


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