Treatment so far
Hello Void! Well, no-one's reading so I guess I should address my actual audience as opposed to my desired one. So, treatment so far. Well, in a way, none. They aren't starting my chemo yet because of my lack of babies so far. So, I'm going to have eggs harvested in case Prince Hiddleston comes along and wants kids. This means that I'm having to take lots of fertility meds so they, the medical people, can get as many eggs as possible. Weirdest part is that I, the girl who would rather risk almost any disease than get an injection, have to give myself shots. It was one a day but now it is two. And they are more than a centimetre long which is SUPER long for someone who sees a millimetre shot as an arachnophobe would see a tiny jumping spider. You know, a giant tarantula poised to kill me. The drugs also make me feel super stressed and moody. And since I'm a teacher, bursting into tears at work is ridiculously dangerous. ...